Social Security Disability

Have you recently been denied disability benefits from the Social Security Administration? Have you been scheduled for a disability hearing with a judge and you’re not sure if you need an attorney?

Menard Disability Law is proud to offer its services to the people of Portland, Oregon and across the state. We are happy to guide you through the appeals process and help you understand what to expect at a disability hearing.

Far too many people are denied their initial application for benefits through the Social Security Administration. We understand the disappointment and frustration that comes from a denial of benefits. But don’t despair, and don’t give up. Menard Disability Law is here to help Oregonians  in this process. You want a lawyer that knows how to effectively fight for their clients and how important these benefits are to your life. Attorney and firm partner Autumn Menard is thrilled to serve the Pacific Northwest. Contact her today for a free consultation.

Why should you choose us to represent you?

Attorney and firm partner Autumn Menard recognizes that Social Security Disability benefits are essential to the livelihoods of many folks in her community and throughout the US. She takes her responsibility as an attorney in this area seriously and combines strong advocacy and knowledge of the law with compassion for her clients and their often difficult circumstances. She thinks carefully about every case and provides honest, straight forward feedback about the strength of the case and the steps necessary to build the strongest case possible. She will also tell you if your case is not likely strong enough to win, or if you do not qualify for disability benefits.. 

Autumn’s consultations are free of charge.  Our fee structure is contingency-based, so we only get paid if your case is won and result in back-benefits. We understand that many clients facing a disability are, in many cases, dealing with difficult and highly stressful financial circumstances. We want to ease this burden for you as much as possible.

How can we help with your Social Security Disability claim?

  1. You received a denial letter. When this happens, you have 60 days from the date on the letter to file an appeal. This is a great time to contact our firm to discuss your case and learn about the appeal process and what you can do to have the best likelihood of success  at the next level. Contact us today to discuss your denial letter and next steps. 
  1. You have requested or been scheduled for a hearing. When this happens, you should contact our firm right away. Depending on the date of your upcoming hearing, we can discuss representation or explain how to request an extension. Contact us today to discuss your hearing and what to expect. 
  1. You have received a letter from the Appeals Council saying they are sending your case back for a new hearing. Contact us today to discuss your Appeals Council remand. 
  1. You were in a same-sex relationship and your partner or spouse died before you were able to marry, or before you were able to be married for 9 months. You need information about whether you qualify for survivor benefits, the appeal process, or whether you may be a class member in the Ely or Thornton class action lawsuits and what you should do. Contact us today for help with survivor benefits for same-sex couples. 

On a very limited basis and time-permitting, Autumn also sometimes helps folks in the following circumstances:

  • You received a hearing denial in the last 60 days
  • You missed a deadline to appeal due to hospitalization, prior attorney error, or some other circumstance beyond your control
  • You want an attorney to help you apply for Social Security benefits and you meet the following criteria:
    • You have a strong and consistent work history for many years.
    • You stopped working 4 or less years ago due to disability.
    • You have not worked for at least 18 months due to disability, or you have worked but only part time, earning less than $500/month, or worked full time but for less than 6 months and stopped due to your disability. 

Autumn cannot help if you have a post-entitlement issue (if you already received disability benefits), or if you have received a denial from the Appeals Council. 

What can you expect as our client?

As a client of Menard Disability Law, we will spend time with you to understand your story and how your disability impacts your ability to work. We know that no two medical conditions or circumstances are the same. Your situation is unique, and our attorneys will treat it as such. Social Security Disability attorney Autumn Menard serves clients in Portland, Salem, Eugene, and throughout greater Oregon. We are here to help.