Social Security Disability

Menard Disability Law was founded in Tucson, Arizona and offers dedicated, timely, and effective representation to those appealing disability claims through the Social Security Administration. 

When is the best time to reach out to us about your case? There are a couple of points at which it’s a good time to speak with a lawyer. 1) You received a letter from Social Security in the last 60 days denying your case; 2) You have requested a hearing, or you have been scheduled for a hearing before a judge. If either of these sounds like your situation, you can contact us today to talk about your case.

Autumn may also be able to offer help if you missed a deadline because you were in the hospital, homeless, or there was some other circumstance out of your control. If you did not have an attorney at hearing and received a denial letter from a judge in the last 60 days, you can contact Autumn for a case review.  Contact our firm today to discuss your Social Security Disability appeal or hearing.

If you are a surviving partner or widow/widower and have been denied Social Security Survivor benefits as a result of not meeting the 9-month marriage duration requirement, Autumn would be happy to provide information. You may be a class member in either the Ely or Thornton cases. Contact our firm today to talk about survivor benefits for same-sex couples. 

Autumn also represents a very limited number of claimants on initial applications. Do you have a strong work history, but have not been working for at least a year and a half due to your disability? If this is the case, contact us today to discuss your application for Social Security Disability benefits. 

Social Security Disability

Why choose Menard Disability Law?

At Menard Disability Law, we know that no two medical conditions or circumstances are alike. As a result, we spend time with you as our client to understand your story and how your disability impacts your ability to work. You will experience our passion for public service as we work diligently to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

The dedicated attorneys at Menard Disability Law will navigate the challenges of your Social Security disability claim on your behalf, so that you can focus on your family and your health. We also know that many clients with a disability are facing financial hardship. You do not have to pay large fees to begin representation with us. Consultations at Menard Disability Law are always free.

We’re ready to help with your Social Security Disability claim! Social Security Disability attorney Autumn Menard serves clients in Tucson, Phoenix, Nogales, Flagstaff, Douglas, Yuma, Sells, Ajo, Wilcox, and throughout the state of Arizona. We offer dedicated, timely, and effective representation to individuals appealing the denial of disability benefits through the Social Security Administration

What can you expect as our client?

At Menard Disability Law, we are a family business consisting of two caring and professional disability attorneys. We take the time to listen and understand your case. As our client you’ll know we will work diligently on your behalf to get your claim for disability benefits approved.